StoryCorps / Thompson Williams and Kiamichi-tet Williams

Thompson Williams and Kiamichi-tet Williams #

That year we used all our money just before Christmas so that we could pay the bills and buy groceries — at least we’d have something to eat.

  • groceries (noun. C) - the food that you buy in a grocer’s shop orsupermarket

And I had convinced myself that this was the best thing to do because my kids needed Christmas.

  • convince (verb.) - to persuade someone or make someone certain
    • persuade (verb.) - to make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it or by talking to that person and making them believe it

And a week later people started buying your mom’s ornaments and we had money to buy you guys presents but it felt good that Christmas.

  • ornament (noun. C) - an object that is beautiful rather than useful